Rough Water Hits Dover Pt. Races
DOVER – Cloudy skies gusty winds and rough water helped make an exciting if slightly disastrous day for the skippers of the Great Bay Yacht Club as they held their second Merry Mac race schedule off Dover Point Sunday
The Woodards of Durham led the scoring with a first two seconds and a third.
The real excitement of the day occurred at two different times when boats capsized, one in the junior race and one in the second race.
Louis McIntosh of Dover, skippering the Hull’s boat Little Sister capsized in the junior race, and then Andy Haley of Dover went over in the second adult race as he was rounding the first mark.
Ned McIntosh and Bob Wilson went to help Andy, thereby maintaining their respective places in the race.
Beth Quimbly led the novice division and Dick Neuhoff won in the junior division. Scoring for the afternoon in the women’s division were: three-quarters, Ann Cochrane two; Alice McIntosh; three, Gini Kennev; four, Lil Quimbly; five, Mary Helen Wilson.
Novice division: one, Queen Bee, Beth Quimbly; two, Friday, Ann Woodard; three, Frisky, Nancy McIntosh; four, Witch Craft, Andy Cochrane; five, Holiday, Johnny Kenney; six, Striper, David Cochrane; seven, Little Sister, Richard Hull; eight, Gob Hoblin, Steve Neuhoff; nine Zara Doug Chapin; ten, 121, Rodger Moore, dnf.
Junior division: one, Gob Hoblin, Dick Neuhoffl two Friday, Don Woodard; three, Little Sister, Louis McIntosh (capsized).
Adult race I: one, Friday, Ken Woodard; two Lorelei, Lance McDowell; three, Witch Craft, Ann Cochrane; four, Frisky, Alice McIntosh; five, 121; Ross Moore; Six Holday, Gini Kenney; seven, 69 Andy Haley; eightHopeful, Bill Hope; nine, Queen Bee, Lil Quimbly; ten, The Buzzer, Wally Johnson; 11 Gob Hoblin, Mal Neuhoff; 12, Little Sister, Dick Hull; 13 Striper, Mary Helen, Wilson; 14, Zara, Wally Chapin.
Adult race II: one Hopeful Bill Hope; two, Loreli, Lance McDowell three Friday Ken Woodard; four Holiday, Jack Kenney; five Witch Craft, Dick Cochrane; six Frisky, Ned McIntosh: seven, Striper, Bob Wilson; eight, Little Sister, Dick Hull; nine, Queen Bee, Conny Quimby; ten the Buzzer, Wally Johnson: 11, Gob Hobin, Dick Neuhoff; 12, Zara, Wally Chapin: 13, 69 Andy Haley (Capsized) 14, 121, Ross Moore (disqualified).
The Great Bay Yacht Club celebrated its 60th anniversary with a regatta and barbecue on Saturday, July 28, 2018. Made in Dover takes a look back at the club’s history with this great video.
GBYC History
In the spring of 1954, a group of sailors gathered with a simple purpose: “to organize and provide rules for racing this summer on Great Bay, or other places designated.” Races were held each Sunday afternoon at the State Pier and included class racing for 12 foot catboats — Merry Macs designed by club member Ned McIntosh — and other boats by handicap. By 1958, Great Bay Yacht Club was officially registered with the State of New Hampshire as a non-profit organization whose purpose was “to foster the spirit of sailing in the community around the Great Bay area.” In 1959 the Club was able to purchase the two lots that became its home. The Club blossomed during the women’s and “boat” divisions.
![Early Years](https://greatbayyachtclub.org/Stagingsite/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/early1-300x202.jpg)
This level of commitment to racing continued into the 1970’s. By decade’s end, the Club was scheduling seven races per year, including a newly-inaugurated memorial race for pioneering Club member Clyde Whitehouse. This race is still sponsored by GBYC and takes place every September. Club racing continued into the 1980s, but the golden age of the wooden Merry Mac had passed as members made the move to bigger (and most often fiberglass) boats.
Racing is only part of the GBYC story, however. Thanks to a high level of volunteerism, members have been able, on a shoestring, to construct docks and a modest building for storage lockers. In 2017, members voted to move ahead with renovations including a deck from which to watch races, boats going by, and sunsets. Friendships which in some cases stretch back through three generations have continued and new ones have been made as we gather for afternoon socials, jaunts to the Isles of Shoals, and the occasional group cruise to further parts.
In 2018 the club through fundraising efforts will be replacing the beloved and well worn storage lockers with the new deck and shed! Permits are in hand and construction is underway. Stop by and check out the club’s amenities on Wentworth Terrace in Dover NH. Join the club today to be able to enjoy this jewel of a location on the Piscataqua River!
- Commodore Ronald Walton
- Vice Commodore Phil Read
- Secretary Greg Costanzo
- Treasurer Steve Lawrence
- Sailing Master Tom Brown
- Mooring Chair Mark Weaver
- Membership Representative Ed Fountian
Jacob Lowe 1955
Robert Willard 1956
Kenneth Woodard 1957
Harry Hall 1958
William Hope 1959
John Holden 1960
Richard Hull 1961
Jack Kenney 1962
Conrad Quimby 1963
Malcolm Neuhoff 1964
Richard Cochran 1965
Pater Beierl 1966
Leonard Small 1967
Robert Willson 1968
Richard Mooney 1969
Henry Euler 1970 – 71
Walworth Johnson Jr 1972 – 73
Richard Bicknell 1974 -75
Lucien Baron 1976
Dale Goodwin 1977 – 78
Thomas Moreau 1979 – 80
Jack Story 1981 – 82
Dale Ober 1983 – 84
Ray Ouellette 1985 – 86
Candice Weeks 1987 – 88
Phil Read 1989 – 90
Jack Bernier 1991 – 92
Gary Munroe 1993
Allen Storms 1994 – 95
James Yeames 1996 – 99
Jack Lannamann 2000 – 02
Walworth Johnson Jr 2003 – 04
Tim Pinkham 2005 – 06
John O’Connor 2007-2011
Jay Mooney 2012-2015
Keith Pratt 2016-2018
Tom Page 2018-2021
Ron Walton 2021-2023